
Friday, August 18, 2017

Thursday sport part two

                 Thursday sport winners by Joey
.soccer and

On the 17th of August 2017 We were playing for 1st or 2nd against rowley which is a very good team.They heve beaten us once and we have beaten them once to.But the time they bet us our coach had to cool it of because to many people were getting injured including me.I thought to myself today is the day to win the finals for our school.There was 1 minute until kick off and I was having a good feeling about was time for kick of and it was heading in my direction and another person in my team scored woo hoo.At half time we were winning 6 to 1 and my team was very happy but it wasn't over yet we were kicking and it was taking a while for us to score but at full we had...WON THE FINAL IN FIRST PLACE I was so proud of my whole team and on the way back to the bus we did a hucher and a song because we were so happy and hopefully on the 2lst of august 2017 we will have the trophy at our school

Monday, August 14, 2017

Storybird By Joey


Hi everyone i decided to do this post because storybird is a    fun way to write a story

To set up storybird you just have to search it up and then you sign in. When you've signed inIts quite complicated because when you've chosen what you you want to write about it's hard to make another page.Also you have to make a cover.Here's a story so you get the idea

One STORMY night i got back home from rugby training UNTIL I found out that I was walking over an abandoned gold mine so i started to run away but then i said to myself if there is still gold in there i could be famous so i decided to go in and there was a animal or a human in there i couldn’t really tell because it was homing after a few minutes from a distance i could see a gold lite shining from a distance...I started to walk closer and closer towards the light and as i was about to pick it up something went straight threw my body and  began to turn into...A mummy so for the rest of my life if been hiding and trying to despise myself but it never worked i even tried to go to school and i just got kicked so now no matter what i do i'll just get cooled toilet boy.So from now on scientist are trying to figure out who i am even thought I told them that i'm a human the fell down a cave and turned into a mummy but they can't understand me anymore so i'll never know if i'm going to ever be able to travel and see the world ever again...Unless i go back to the cave and try to reverse the curse wait who am i kidding i must be crazy. Actually i could try it couldn’t i waited until it was midnight so i wouldn’t be seen And as the lightning danced across the sky it struck me ripping all of the toilet paper of and... then i was back to normal.I liked  living the normal life way better than the old one but whenever i say the word mummy the moon was a diamond in the night sky the end


good bye

Monday, August 7, 2017


             Thursday sport
Different sports…

The sports I picked was rugby and basketball the reason why I got to pick 2 sports Is because rugby is during school and soccer is after school and I like rugby because Getting MUDDY feels like a good sports player to me.My position is 2nd five wing and fullback  but for thursday sport it is lock because my coach says i'm tall and strong and that's what makes a good lock. My thursday sport team has lost one game against rowley but terry had to call that game of because they were hurting everyone and they weren't playing by the rules.So pretty much there not very feer players.I hoped you enjoyed the update on my rugby bye