On the 30th of August 2017 a lady called Mrs McNaughton
Came to our School and gave the whole School a drink bottle and that would be quite a lot of money if you ask Me.Because there's about 300 to 400 people in this School not including the teachers so that is a lot of children going to one school.Anyway moving on we learnt quite a lot of stuff about how much water is in the body so here's some interesting points
Up to 60% of the adult body is water.The heart is composed of 73% of water and lungs are about 83% water.The skin contains 64% of water. The muscles and the kidneys are 79% water. Even the bones are watery:31%
That's all that we learned. Everyday we have to drink 1 or 2 bottles of water before lunch and 1 more before home time and 1 glass at dinner time.I find it pretty challenging.Because I don't know about you but it makes me feel sick and I don't know if thats normal or not because most of the time it isn't.I hope you enjoyed my blogpost by JOEY bye!!!!!
Hi Joey, I really enjoyed your post. I think it's a cool idea being able to have our own drink bottles but your right it must cost a lot of money for so many children. Hopefully you stop feeling sick and you just get used to drinking a lot of water.