
Monday, September 18, 2017



On the 30th of August 2017 a lady called Mrs McNaughton
Came to our School and gave the whole School a drink bottle and that would be quite a lot of money if you ask Me.Because there's about 300 to 400 people in this School not including the teachers so that is a lot of children going to one school.Anyway moving on we learnt quite a lot of stuff about how much water is in the body so here's some interesting points

Up to 60% of the adult body is water.The heart is composed of 73% of water and lungs are about 83% water.The skin contains 64% of water. The muscles and the kidneys are 79% water. Even the bones are watery:31%

That's all that we learned. Everyday we have to drink 1 or 2 bottles of water before lunch and 1 more before home time and 1 glass at dinner time.I find it pretty challenging.Because I don't know about you but it makes me feel sick and I don't know if thats normal or not because most of the time it isn't.I hope you enjoyed my blogpost by JOEY bye!!!!!

Friday, September 1, 2017

The Pacific Atoll

In writing my group have been using this thing called Game of Awesome which is a fun thing to write your stories with.
                                                how to play

1.You have to choose a dealer to pick what cards the story's going to be on.
2.You get given 6 cards and you have to put it in the right subject.
3.At the end the dealer picks what card goes with the subject the most.

I hope you enjoy. By the way this is a draft copy so I may make some mistakes.

A long time ago my
friends and I went to a place called a Pacific Atoll. Along the way the plane was very bumpy so we had to stop the plane and get some fresh air for 2 hours. When it was fixed we had already started swimming there because When the pilot said that we needed to get off.Instead of it taking 2 hours he said it would take years to fix.Finally we were at the Pacific Atoll and there was corals everywhere at night time we going to head back because it was only a two hour swim.I know when I Was told that it was a two hour swim I fainted.Luckily when I woke up we were already at home And we decided to play hide and seek at home because at the Pacific Atoll the waves were up way to hide so i'm glad i'm safe and sound a my own home and I will never be going back that terrible smelling place again.The next day there was a earthquake and it was tremendously big so we had to evacuate our house and the only place we could go was that foul smelling Pacific Atoll I was shocked that we had to go back and very annoyed too.As we were traveling on the plane we noticed a big propeller on the plane was on fire so we had to go tell the pilot.But on the corner of my eye I saw that the window that had been smashed and...The pilot shirt was hanging off the broken window the steering wheel was gone and the only way to survive was to try and put it back using all of his disgusting milkshake cartons. S o one by one I ripped the curtains into little strips until finally I would put it on and… finally the masterpiece was finished and we landed safely and this time were definitely not going back there again. The end